Zip code filter adjustment

Posted 3 months ago by Marisa Loury

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Marisa Loury

Currently there is only an option when sending a blast email to filter it to go to folks "within 5 miles" of a certain zipcode. Neighborhood-based outreach is a really valuable part of our volunteer program, and 5 miles of a zipcode is too expansive. It would help our community building to have an option to only reach out to volunteers living in a certain zipcode or within 1 mile of it. Hopefully this is an easy fix! 

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Hilary Temple posted 2 months ago Admin

Hi, Marisa! 

I hope you are doing well! Thank you for sharing this suggestion. I can definitely see how this would be beneficial to site managers who are filtering within a City, or larger urban area, where the number of volunteers increases a lot within the added miles.

I'll be sure to add this to our enhancement suggestions for our Development to review. 

If you have any additional questions or thoughts, please add them here! 


Hilary T. 

Onboarding Team

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