Monthly Volunteer Schedule for Program Managers

Posted about 2 months ago by Jamie Johnstone

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Jamie Johnstone

We are looking for a way to have Program Managers be able to see the volunteers signed up for their opportunities and shifts at a monthly glance. A number of our ministry directors utilize an overall monthly schedule in some capacity.

For instance: Our early childhood program has four classrooms, three positions each. We have two services each Sunday morning. We'd like to be able to see each opportunity for first service each Sunday of the month, as well as second service.

Services are ONLY on Sundays, so a calendar that shows all seven days in a month doesn't really work well. Volunteers serve in different roles, so getting just one opportunity at a time doesn't help either.

It would be great if there was a way to drag and drop to arrange the schedule in a similar fashion to the attached, as the data is already in Get Connected. Thanks so much for your consideration!

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Hilary Temple posted 24 days ago Admin

Hi, Jamie!

Thank you so much for sharing this suggestion. I spoke with you about this on our onboarding call! I can see the use for this for sure. Additionally, I love the graphic you shared! 

I have gone ahead and shared this with our team via the enhancements suggestion list. I included the graphic as well! 

If I hear of any updates, I'll reply here to keep you informed!

Have a wonderful day!
Hilary T.


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