Causer App: View Scheduled Shifts

Posted about 2 months ago by Yasmin Frausto

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Yasmin Frausto

We have been encouraging our volunteers to use the Causer App to check in/check out to 1) confirm attendance and 2) help reduce the time we are spending doing data entry. However, we realized that in the app, volunteers cannot view the scheduled shifts for our opportunities until after they click respond. This has discouraged some volunteers from signing up for shifts they have no details on. It would be great to have a calendar, similar to the website, where volunteers can view opportunities based on the date. Or at the least, be able to view the scheduled shifts on the opportunity page itself. 

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 26 days ago Admin

Hi Yasmin,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your suggestion on our Forum! I have added your thoughts to our existing enhancement notes which will be reviewed by our team during one of our upcoming enhancement meetings. We'll be glad to update you with any additional information that we receive about this idea moving forward.

Thank you and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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