User's Schedule Tab - Suggestions

Posted 4 months ago by Morgan Green-Griffin

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Morgan Green-Griffin

I would love to see improvements to the Site Manager/Program Manager's view of an individual's Schedule tab. Right now, a checkmark displays next to all the shifts, which doesn't really mean anything because it just indicates they are signed up...which if it’s on their schedule, it already means they’re signed up. It would be great to look at an individual’s schedule and see the following:

  • Shifts with hours logged
  • Display the shift time on the main calendar or when hovering over it (clicking View More each time is cumbersome)
  • Which future shifts they are on the waitlist for

I know there are reports to see which scheduled shifts don’t have hours logged, but sometimes I just need to quickly figure that out for one person. Additionally, you must click View More or go to the Opportunities tab to see shift times. Lastly, an individual’s wait list responses only display on the Opportunities tab. For very involved volunteers, this tab quickly becomes a lot to sift through. The User’s Schedule tab could be a great visual tool for SM/PMs, but the lack of helpful info makes it useless.

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Shonie K. posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Morgan,

Thank you for having added this to our forum! I can see how this would be helpful for various organization's workflows, especially when reviewing one person's profile data. I will expand on this in our notes to review together as a team.

Thanks so much!


CX Specialist


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