Add an "opportunity response" table filter option to Qualifications (Site Admin & Agency Manager users)

Posted about 1 month ago by Collette Nakamyuka

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Collette Nakamyuka

Scenario: We currently have multiple opportunities under a single program. Take for example our Community, Library, Seniors and Scouts program. When volunteers submit qualifications, all our 15 program managers under this program get a notification to approve the qualification. On the Qualifications tab, an agency manager or PM is unable to drill down what opportunity the volunteer is related to, in order to take ownership and approve it or not.

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Shonie K. posted 18 days ago Admin

Hi Collette,

Thanks for expanding on this idea here! I have definitely heard of a similar ask from other site managers, in addition to adding a column for Track if applicable.

I will record this and be sure to update this thread if any movement happens on it!



CX Specialist


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