Skills & Interests

Posted about 1 month ago by Bri Quarfoot

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Bri Quarfoot

It would be helpful to allow site managers complete ownership over what skills/interests they list on their site.  Right now we have to reach out to increase the number we can have & it can only be in increments of 4.  Then you have to have that exact number of skills & interests - we currently have 8 and just wanted to add one more as none of our current ones were meeting the need of a subset of volunteer opportunites - but now myself and my team are needing to spend extra time determining if we can make it fit into the 8 we currently have or come up with 3 others just to fill those spots - even though we don't have a need for them & they just would muddy up our site.

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Shonie K. posted 18 days ago Admin

Hi Bri,

I appreciate you brining this to our attention! I agree, the skills/interests form is a bit difficult to deal with, and having an increment of 4 up to a certain number might not fit all organization use cases.

I have logged this on my end for the team to consider changing in a future update!

Thanks again,


CX Specialist

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