Teams Reserving Slots

Posted 29 days ago by Dominique Thomas

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Dominique Thomas

Before switching over to Amplify, Teams could reserve slots for an opportunity to allow them time to recruit team members and have them register as volunteers without the chance of losing their slots before they can sign them up.

I'm requesting that the "Reserve Slots" option be added back to the Team sign-up page (after "Respond as a Team"), where users can either create a new team name or reuse one of their current ones before they're given the option to add themselves and team members.

It was explained to me that we (site managers) now have to go in for each team and reserve slots for them when they're ready to volunteer, which adds more work for us. We have a lot of groups that volunteer with us, and in many cases, we schedule opportunities 3-12 months out. Most of them don't know which team members are going to volunteer at that time so they reserve the slots, and I don't have to remember to reach out to them to get everything set up as we get closer to the date. I'm trying to help them be more self-sufficient and not have to rely on me as much. 

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Riley Mainord posted 20 days ago


We are also experiencing the same issue with the option to reserve spots for teams being removed unless you turn off the "require emails for team registrations" option. Our concern with not requiring emails to register as a team is that if people do not provide us an email address upon registration, we now do not have a way of contacting them should anything come up that they need to be notified of before the shift. 

Sometimes, we have had to cancel volunteer shifts due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When this has happened, we were able to export the team members signed up for the shift and email them all individually to notify them of the cancellation in addition to the notification Galaxy would have sent when we cancelled the shift online.

We have an average of 175 teams navigating our website each month. The bulk of them had previously been able to manage themselves without a member of our team having to be involved. We are not pleased that we now have to choose between team leaders being able to manage their reserved spots or having contact emails on file for all team members when we used to be able to have both. As Dominique said above, this feature used to allow time for team leaders to recruit their members to sign up without the panic of their spots being filled before they could get to them. 

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Shonie K. posted 28 days ago Admin

Hi Dominique,

Good morning! We have not removed the Reserved Slots feature for teams. This option is shown or hidden based off of a setting in your Settings > Main Settings area. Currently, you have the "Require Emails for Team Registrations" enabled.

With this setting on, the software requires all users to have an account or enter their email to be on a team. Due to this requirement, reserved slots is turned off. Screenshot below:

If you'd like to have reserved slots available, you will need to turn this setting off. Reserved slots may have shown as an option until recently with teams that required emails, however this was treated as a bug or issue and fixed by our development team, as the intention here is to avoid folks from registering without having an account or being unqualified to work the opportunity.

I hope this helps to clarify! If you have more questions about this or otherwise, please reach out to us in an email at support.


CX Specialist


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