Language Overrides—Changing Words on my Site

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Jul 25 at 4:55 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! Only Site Managers can request language overrides for their sites. This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Different sites use specific terms with specific meanings—e.g., Opportunity, Program, etc. If your organization wants to replace certain words, like Project instead of Opportunity, you can contact us to request to have it changed or overridden.  

So you know:  Language-override items aren't translated for sites using the French-translation option.

Words and phrases

Listed below are the terms that we can change for you.

Words you can request to override

  • attribute
  • badge
  • benchmark
  • blog
  • cause
  • cluster
  • donate
  • donation
  • EIN
  • employee (used for "Employee Access Link" in advanced events)
  • event
  • favorite (for the Favorite Programs feature)
  • Help 
  • Initiative
  • miles (appears in the "Miles Traveled" field of the hour-submission form)
  • Opportunity 
  • partner (traditionally used to designate partner programs)
  • phrase (appears in the search dropdowns; can be replaced by "word," keyword," etc.)
  • Program 
  • qualification
  • recent (appears in the "Recent Programs" and "Recent Opportunities" headings on the volunteer dashboard)
  • respond (Note: response and respondent cannot be overridden)
  • résumé/resume (as in "volunteer resume")
  • skill 
  • site supervisor
  • state
  • team
  • user group
  • virtual
  • volunteer (as an adjective: volunteer hours, volunteer schedule, volunteer email, etc.)
  • waiver (override applies to both eSign and click-wrap waivers)
  • worked (appears in the "Hours Worked" field of the hour-submission form)
  • ZIP code

Phrases you can request to override 

From the BlogDefault blog heading.
Get ConnectedAppears on the main page of some sites as "Learn what Get Connected can do for you." 
Get Involved, Make a DifferenceThe message on the main page of your site for a user who is not logged in.
I have read and agree to the volunteer waiverThis is for clickwrap waivers, not waiver qualifications. This text appears when users respond to Opportunities with an attached clickwrap waiver. 
Note: The "volunteer" and "waiver" overrides do not apply to this item. If you are overriding either of those terms on your site, a second override is needed.
Miles TraveledAppears in the "Miles Traveled" field of the hour-submission form.
Our CommunityAppears above the image rotator on the user dashboard.
Return to Our WebsiteA button in the utility bar at the top of any page in the non-manager view of the site. 

Students Login Here

For sites using single sign-on.
Sterling VolunteersAs a phrase rather than individual words—appears on the Program profile.
Volunteer NowA button that appears on the dashboard for users who are not logged in.
Who we areFrom the Program profile.
What we doFrom the Program profile.