How to Add Hours for Your Volunteers as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 17 at 2:41 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Click here if you're an Advanced Program Manager. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for more information about reviewing your hours, click here  

Your volunteers can, and are encouraged, to submit their hours. However, there may be times when you need to add hours on their behalf. There are many ways you can add hours for volunteers on your site. Here, we have compiled the most common ways for you to add hours individually or in bulk to best fit your needs! Click here to learn more about different types of hours on your site. Here we cover: 

How to add hours for one person

If you need to add hours for only one person: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Hours.2. Click Add An Hour Entry

3. Type their name in the User Lookup field and select the volunteer from the dropdown. 

4. Type the title for the Opportunity in the Opportunity Response Lookup field and make your selection from the dropdown. 

5. Complete the required fields in the Hour Details section and add a Description as needed. 

6. Answer any required Hours Questions as applicable. 

7. Click Submit Hour Entry when you're done! 

So you know: You can always add hours for a volunteer by navigating to their profile and clicking Hours > Add An Hour Entry. From there, you'd follow the same steps for adding hours from the Hours area of your dashboard. 

How to add hours for a team

If you need to add hours for a team: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Teams from your dashboard.2. Click the Team Responses tab. 3. Select the Team Name4. Under Options, click the hourglass icon. 

5. Complete the required fields in the Hour Details section and add a Description as needed. 

6. Answer any required Hours Questions as applicable. 

7. Click Submit Hour Entry when you're done! 

✏️ Quick Tip: You can edit Team Hours from this screen too. Under Team Hours, click the pencil icon by the hours you want to edit and make any necessary changes. When you're done, click Submit Hour Entry to save your changes. 

How to add default hours for a team

You can also quickly add default hours for a team: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Teams

2. Click the Team Responses tab. 

3. Select the Team Name you want to add hours for. 

4. Check the boxes beside each response you want to add hours for. 

5. Click +Add Default Hours when you're ready! 

How to use the quick add option

You can use the Quick Add option to quickly add hours for volunteers! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Hours

2. Click Quick Add Users And Hours3. Here you can look up an existing user or add a new one!

✏️ Quick tip: Try typing the user's name in the User Email Lookup field.  

4. Use the dropdown to select the Opportunity. 

  • If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, then a dropdown appears for you to select the shift you want to add hours for too. 

5. Fill out the Hours Details field. 

6. If you're finished, click Submit Hour Entry

  • If you want to add another hour entry, click Submit and Start Another

How to add default hours in bulk

There are a couple of ways you can add default hours in bulk. This first option is to add them from the Responses area of your site: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Check the boxes beside the responses you wish to add hours to.  

3. Click +Add Default Hours

So you know: The number of hours applied for those responses is the number of hours assigned to that Opportunity. For example, if you created an Opportunity and set the hours to 2.5, then 2.5 hours are applied to that user's profile. 

The second option is to add them from your Scheduling area: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Scheduling

2. Select the Opportunity you want to add default hours to and click View available volunteers from the dropdown. 

  • This opens the Responses page for that Opportunity. 

3. Check the boxes for the users you wish to add default hours for. 

  • You can also check the box at the top of the column to select all users. 

4. Click +Add Default Hours

  • Those default hours are now applied to all of the users you selected in step 3.