Editing Volunteer Information as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Jul 18 at 11:49 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site ManagersIf you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Do you want to see important information about your volunteers? Has a volunteer asked for help resetting a password? You can view and edit volunteer information right from the Users area of your dashboard! Here we cover: 

How do I view or edit volunteer information? 

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the User you want to review or edit. 

3. This opens up the volunteer's profile area where you can make changes to their profile, update their password, change their status or user type, review their skills or availability, etc. 

4. Use the tabs under the volunteer's name to review their hours, qualifications, schedule and more:

5. Be sure to click the Update button in the section that you make changes to, to save your edits! 

How do I review a volunteer's email status?

Has a volunteer reached out about their emails? You can check their Emails tab from their profile area to see the status of notifications sent to them! Click here for more information about email statuses and what they mean. 

How do I see something from the volunteer's view?

You can log in as a Site Manager and have a personal account on the site to see what the volunteer perspective looks like. If you don't want to use your email address, you can always use an @example.com one for testing. You also have the option to assume a user's role to see the site from their perspective.  

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the User. 

3. Click Assume User by their name.

  • This allows you to see what your volunteers see!  
  • This is great when volunteers have issues with their accounts, but maybe things look like they're working on your end. 

So you know: Please note, that you're logged out of the Site Manager account when you assume the role of a user and must log back into your account to get back to the Site Manager dashboard.

How do I see answers to registration questions? 

You can review the information volunteers were asked during the registration process on their profile page under Basic Info. For a detailed view of answers to custom registration questions, see the Custom Registration Question Metrics report from your Reports area on the site.