Main Site Settings — Volunteers

Created by Autum Brown, Modified on Mon, Jul 8 at 11:34 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

You've been busy setting up your site to tell your organization's story and share its mission. Now, let's look at how you can organize your site's landing page for volunteers, set the value of a volunteer hour, add some requirements and allowances for your volunteers, etc. 

    In this article, we look at what you can do from your Volunteers section of the main site settings. To access this area, go to Settings > Main Settings > Volunteers and begin editing your site's settings to how you want! 

Here we cover: 

The volunteer view

The first two items you'll see in this section are User Landing Page and Default User View:


  • User Landing Page: You can choose which page you want your volunteers to land on when they log into your site by selecting from the dropdown: 

  • Default User View: You can decide how a volunteer sees your organization's Programs or  Opportunities. These include: 

  • Grid: With this view, your items appear in rectangular boxes called "cards". 
    • Grid is the default setting for the Default User View. 

  • List: This view displays those items in a simple list. 
    • Volunteers can switch to list view as needed.
  • Calendar: This option displays those items on a monthly calendar. 
    • This view is useful for finding shifts to Opportunities on specific dates.
    • Quick note: Opportunities with duration type "flexible" won't appear on the calendar view. 

  • Map: With the map view, items appear as pins on a map that volunteers can click on to learn more about. 

Volunteer hours

Volunteer hours play an important role in your organization's reporting. As the Site Manager, you can:

Set the value of a volunteer hour

The value of a volunteer hour is automatically set to the state rate that your organization is in. We pull that rate from but you can change this rate to one that better suits your community. 

✏️ Quick tip:  Want to remove the Value of a Volunteer Hour from the volunteer view? Enter -1 to remove this section from the volunteer's dashboard. 

Require emails for team registrations

If you want your volunteers to provide a name and email address when they register for an Opportunity as a team, toggle this button On

 So you know: 

  • When this button is toggled Off volunteers only have to provide the number of people on the team. 
  • Toggling this button Off makes it easier for team leaders to sign up as a team—since they don't need Opportunity names and email addresses for each member. 
    • When this button is Off, they can select reserved slots for team members who will join later, but if you require emails for registration, then this option won't be available.

Require contact emails for individual hours

If you decide to allow individual hours, then you can also require that volunteers provide a name and email address for someone who can verify those hours.

  • To require contact emails, toggle this button On
  • Toggle this button off if you don't want to require contact emails for individual hour

Allow volunteers to submit individual or "plus-one" hours

Individual hours

You can allow volunteers to submit individual hours. 

  • Individual hours are hours performed by a volunteer, not in response to a posted Opportunity. 
    • These hours aren't required to be verified but, as the Site Manager, you can require volunteers to share the name and email address of someone who can verify their hours. The person listed as a contact for individual hours is not emailed, it is just for your information! 
    • When submitting individual hours, volunteers can specify where they volunteered, the date, and the hours they volunteered. 

  • Toggle this On to allow volunteers to submit individual hours. 
  • Toggle this Off if you only want volunteers to submit hours to your organization's posted Opportunities.  
    • Volunteers must first respond to a posted Opportunity on your site to submit hours if this option is Off

Plus-one hours

This option allows volunteers to submit hours for friends or family who volunteered with them but don't have an account on your site. 

  • You and your Program Managers can also submit plus-one hours for your volunteers. 

  • Toggle this On to allow "plus-one" hours to be submitted to your site. 
    • If this is toggled On then the hour submission form will include an option to add "plus one" hours. 
  • Toggle this Off if you don't want this option to appear on the hour submission form.

Other settings

There are a couple more settings we want to cover to ensure you're getting the most out of your main site settings, including: 

Show pop-up after action

This feature makes a pop-up appear when a volunteer responds to an Opportunity.

  • The pop-up thanks them for responding and offers the option to share the item they've responded to on social media. 
  • If the volunteer responds to a shift Opportunity, then the pop-up includes the option to create a calendar event. 
  • If you use Donations, the pop-up also includes a Donate button. 

  • Toggle this On to have the pop-ups appear when a volunteer interacts with any of those items. 
  • Toggle this Off so that the pop-up doesn't appear. 

Program contact information

As the Site Manager, you can decide if a program's contact information (i.e., contact name, email, phone, and fax) is shared on the Program profile. 

  • Select Show publicly on program profile to include it on their profile. 
  • Select Hide to not include it on their profile. 
    • Some site managers choose to hide this information so that volunteers respond to Opportunities through their site instead of reaching out to the program—which helps you track your site's volunteerism!