Managing Communication Preferences: A Guide for Advanced Program Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Aug 2 at 2:26 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Advanced Program Managers. If you're a Site Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here

Volunteers in your Programs can opt out of email blasts, automated notifications, or both! You can also opt in or out of notifications right from the Edit Profile area of the site. Here we cover: 

So you know: Some sites use language overrides. This means you might see Need in place of Opportunity or Program in place of Agency. Only Site Managers can request language overrides for a site.   

Where are these preferences managed? 

You or your volunteers can update your communication preferences anytime. To get started: 

1. Click your profile image or initials from the top menu bar. 

2. Select Edit Profile

3. Scroll to the Data and Communication Settings section and click Manage My Preferences

4. Enable or disable the communications you want to receive. 

  • Want to turn off Volunteer Notifications? Toggle the button beside it to Off
  • Want to select which Volunteer Notifications you receive? Check or uncheck your preferences! 

5. Click Save My Preferences when you're done! 

✏️ Quick tip: Want to stop receiving all communications and notifications? Click Unsubscribe From All Emails and Notifications

  • Clicking this means that volunteers won't receive important reminders about Opportunities they've signed up for.   

What do these preferences mean? 

Account ManagementThese are important notifications about your volunteer account and activity.
Confirmations and RemindersThese are reminders and confirmations about volunteer Opportunities you've signed up for!
Email BlastsEmail Blasts are customized emails sent by volunteer leaders from the organization you have registered with. These are not automated notifications that are system-generated. 
News and RecommendationsThese are recommendations for volunteer Opportunities based on your personal preferences. 
Schedule UpdatesThese are important updates about changes to your schedule, updates about your spot on a waitlist, or important information about your teams! 

Agency Manager - Activity 

Here are the Activity notifications that are sent to you when certain actions trigger them:  

Notification of Need ResponseThis is sent when a volunteer responds to one of your Program's Opportunities. 
Notification of Unregistered VolunteerThis is sent when a volunteer unregisters from one of your Program's Opportunities. 
Agency Need DeniedThis is sent when a Site Manager denies a submitted Opportunity for a Program.

Agency Manager - Tasks 

Here are the Tasks notifications that are sent to you when certain actions trigger them:  

Pending Hours Notification for AgencyThis is sent when you have pending volunteer hours for review. 
Agency Manager's Weekly DigestThis is a weekly digest containing updates about your Opportuni and pending items. 
Agency Incomplete NotificationThis is sent when you haven't completed your Program's basic profile. 

Agency Manager - Updates 

Here are the Updates notifications that are sent to you when certain actions trigger them:  

Registration Closed MessageThis is sent the day that a need's registration closes. 
Note: If you have multiple needs with the same registration close date, you receive an email for each Opportunity. 
Agency Need Happens On NotificationThis is sent seven days before and one day before a need is scheduled to occur. 
Agency Need Expiration NotificationThis is sent seven days before and one day before an Opportunity expires.