The Notifications Advanced Program Managers Receive

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Jul 25 at 4:50 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Only Site Managers have access to the Notifications area of the site. 

Certain actions and events on your site trigger automated notifications. When these notifications are triggered, they're automatically sent to the designated users. Some notifications are meant specifically for your Advanced Program Managers. Here we look at what those notifications are and what they do!

 So you know: Some sites use the word "Need" in place of "Opportunity", "Agency" in place of "Program", and "Prerequisite" in place of "Qualification". You can request a language override for your site by contacting us, but the language in templates won't reflect those changes. 

Notifications for Advanced Program Managers

The automated notifications are triggered and sent to different recipient types on your site when they take certain actions or when others complete an action. For example, Advanced Program Managers receive a notification when a volunteer responds to one of their Program's Opportunities. 

✏️ Quick tip: You can filter automated notifications by the user recipient type! 

1. Go to Communication > Notifications and type the user type in the field under Recipient

2. Click Enter on your keyboard to filter the table! 

For example, if you want to see all of the automated notifications that are sent to volunteers, type Volunteer in the recipient field and hit Enter on your keyboard: 

Here are the different notifications for Advanced Program Managers and what they do: 

Template NameWhat It Does
Notification of Need ResponseSends a message to Advanced Program Managers when a user responds to one of their Program's Opportunities. 
Pending Hours Notification for AgencyNotifies Advanced Program Managers when they have volunteer hours awaiting review. 
Note: This message is sent once a day. 
Agency Need Expiration NotificationSends a notification to Advanced Program Managers 7 days before and on the day a volunteer Opportunity expires.   
Agency Need Happens On NotificationSends a notification to Advanced Program Managers 7 days before and one day before an Opportunity is scheduled to occur. 
Registration Closed MessageSends a message the day an Opportunity's registration closes. 
Note: An individual email is sent for every Opportunity with a registration closing even if multiple closings occur on the same day. 
Notification of Unregistered VolunteerNotifies Advanced Program Managers when a volunteer unregisters from one of their Program's Opportunities.  
Agency Manager's Weekly DigestThis weekly email is sent to Advanced Program Managers to inform them about expiring Opportunities, upcoming Opportunities, and pending hours. 
Event RSVP Notice to Agency Sends a message when a user RSVPs to a Program's Event.  
Notification of Unregistered Event AttendeeSends a message when a user unregisters from an Event. 

So you know:  If you add additional notification recipients to a Program, then they receive notifications when volunteers register or unregister for Opportunities within that Program. Specifically, they will receive the following notifications: 

  • Notification of Need Response
  • Notification of Unregistered Volunteer    
  • Event RSVP Notice to Agency     
  • Notification of Unregistered Event Attendee