Volunteer check in/out credentials

Posted 11 months ago by Kendra Lanham

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Kendra Lanham

A volunteer brought to our attention that she has the ability to check in/out of her shift from home. I put in a ticket asking for clarification and was told that, at this time, there is not a way to remove this capability for volunteers. It is very important for us to document accurate volunteer hours in our organization. Please consider making this a customized feature. Thank you in advance!

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Kendra Lanham posted 9 months ago

Thank you, Hilary! It means a lot that our suggestions are being heard and considered.

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Hilary Temple posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi, Kendra and Faustina! 

Thanks for both reaching out with your replies. 

Kendra, thank you for clarifying! This is now updated on our suggestions page.

Faustina, I totally understand the need to ensure hours are being entered correctly! It has been added to our suggestions page. 

Thank you both again for sharing your ideas! We appreciate your insights greatly. 

Have a Happy Holiday season!


Hilary T.
Onboarding Team 

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Survivor_08 posted 9 months ago

Hi Hilary, 

Thank you for your reply. This will be most helpful as we are running into issues of people signing in without having started or coming in for their shift. Disabling this self check-in option will ensure our volunteer hours are accurately recorded. 



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Kendra Lanham posted 9 months ago

Hello Hilary,

Yes, it would be great to the have the ability to enable/disable the check in option site wide, as well as have the option to turn it on as needed per opportunity. Thank you for adding that to the documentation!

- Kendra

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Hilary Temple posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi, Faustina and Kendra! 

Thank you both for writing in. I appreciate both of your suggestions posted here! I can definitely understand how certain sites would benefit from this option. 

Faustina, I took look a your previous ticket, and have noted your suggestions in our enhancements list for discussion. 

Kendra, I'll add an update to your previously recorded suggestion that Bee documented. For clarification, would you like for the enable/disable check in option to be site wide, as well as an option to turn it on as needed per opportunity? 

Thank you both again for sharing your suggestions! 

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Hilary T. 

Client Onboarding Team 


1 Votes


Kendra Lanham posted 9 months ago

Hello Bee,

Would it be possible for the self check-in/out to be enabled/disabled from the site settings then be able to customized an an individual basis? For instance, our organization would have self check-in/out be disabled for all volunteers but, when an offsite volunteer opportunity comes up, we may allow access for certain volunteers to check-in/out remotely.

I think it would be great if both site managers and program managers had this capability. Depending upon the size of the organization, it might be good if both had the ability to customize their volunteers' access.

Thank you,


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Survivor_08 posted 9 months ago

Our organization was informed by a volunteer that volunteers can self check-in through their account. I put in a ticket requesting this setting to be removed but was informed that this was not a setting option yet. I would like to suggest that this be a new enhancement update for site managers to deactivate the option for self check-in as to ensure our volunteer hours are accurately recorded. Thank you! 

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Brittany Crow posted 11 months ago Admin

Thank you for your fast reply, Kendra! 

I am going to share a resource with you that highlights the different role responsibilities of users on your site, including the different managerial levels. I hope that helps in your research into those user role types! Now, it sounds like if you want this to be made available for site-wide management, it would be more beneficial to enable/disable it from site settings for site managers. So, I will go ahead and write up the following product suggestion for our development team to discuss as an enhancement: 

"The ability for site managers to enable or disable volunteer self check-in and self check-out from the main site settings" 

Thank you again for sharing your product suggestion!



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Kendra Lanham posted 11 months ago

Hi Bee,

Thank you for clarifying. It would be fantastic to be able to choose a default setting for the entire website then be able to override it for certain volunteers as needed.

At this point, I don't have an opinion on which managers have the capability for enabling/disabling this feature. I am still learning about what each type of manager does.

Thank you,


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Brittany Crow posted 11 months ago Admin

Hello, Kendra!

Thank you for reaching out with your suggestions. We love hearing about enhancements that can improve your workflow. Now, I did want to ask a few clarifying questions about how you envision this enhancement: 

  • Are you wanting the ability to self check-in/out for volunteers to be a feature that you enable or disable from the site settings area or on an individual user basis?
  • Is this something you want only site managers to have capability for enabling/disabling or also program managers overseeing their own programs and volunteers? 

This helps me better understand how you envision the enhancement so I can share your suggestion with the development team for consideration. 

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!


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