How to Update a User's Profile as an Advanced Program Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Mon, Jul 1 at 4:51 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Advanced Program Managers. If you're a Site Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator, click here. 

Volunteers can edit their profiles whenever, but if you're asked to make any changes or need to make any changes to a user's profile, you can from the Users area of your dashboard. Once you click on a user's name, you are taken to the Edit User page where you can update their password, change their photo, update their basic information, etc. This is also where you can review important information about your volunteers, like their qualification statuses, what teams or user groups they're members of and more! Here we cover: 

How do I review or edit a user's profile? 

Before we talk about editing a user's profile, let's talk about how to review profiles for the volunteers in your Programs. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.2. Click on the name of the user you want to review from the Manage Users table. 

3. From the Edit User page, you can review or edit: 

A user's Basic Info

You can update a volunteer's basic information, change their password, update their communication settings, and more under the Basic Info tab. Be sure to click one of the blue Update buttons to save any changes you make to this page. 

How to update a user's password

Volunteers can always reset their password by clicking Forgot your password on the login screen; however, you may have volunteers who need help changing their passwords. You can either send the Password Reset email to those volunteers or directly change their password from their profile area. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the user's name from the table. 

3. Type the new password in the New Password and Repeat New Password fields. 

4. Click Update Password

Best practice: Save and share the new password with the user. We also recommend they update their password again after logging back in. 

How to view registration question responses

You can review volunteer responses to registration questions from the Edit User page. Answers to standard and custom registration questions are located under Basic Information. You have a few options for filtering these questions: 

  • Show All Questions Assigned to a Track: Select this option to see all questions assigned to Tracks
  • Individual Tracks: Select the specific Track to see its questions and responses
  • Show All Available Questions: Select this option to see all questions for all Tracks, even those the user isn't assigned to, plus the registration questions not assigned to Tracks

A user's qualifications

When you click on the Qualifications tab, you can see which qualifications the user has completed and which they still need to submit. Here you can also review or update a qualification's status and edit them as needed. This is great if you ever need to give a friendly nudge to a volunteer about completing a qualification or if you need to confirm why the volunteer might have issues responding to an Opportunity! 

A user's teams or user groups

When you click on the Teams tab, you can see what teams a user is a member of and what Program and Opportunity that team is associated with. 

When you click on the User Groups tab, you can see what user group the volunteer is a member of, add them to an existing user group, or remove them from one! 

A user's opportunities

Under the Opportunities tab, you can review which Opportunities the volunteer has responded to, add hours for those Opportunity responses, schedule the volunteer for an Opportunity, or review and manage any waitlists the volunteer is on! 

How to schedule a volunteer for an Opportunity

1. Click the Schedule button. 2. Select the Opportunity, check the box by the shifts you want to schedule them for, then click Continue

3. Review the volunteer's information and click Add to List

4. From here, you can add more volunteers for this Opportunity, message the volunteers listed, or edit the response for that Opportunity. 

5. When ready, check the box beside Send confirmation to these volunteers and click the Schedule button. 

6. A popup appears asking you to confirm your selections. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 

So you know: This process only works for Opportunities with Custom or Recurring Shifts and Happens On duration types. Need to add a response for a volunteer to Opportunities with Flexible or Multi Date duration types—click here

How to add hours for an Opportunity response

1. Click the hourglass icon under the Options column for the Opportunity response to add hours to it. 

2. Fill out all applicable or required fields on the Add Hours form and be sure to click Submit Hour Entry when you're done! 

A user's schedule

Here, you can see which days the volunteer is scheduled for an Opportunity in a calendar view. You can also: 

  • Review information for scheduled Opportunities
  • Remove the volunteer from all shifts or an individual shift
  • Edit the volunteer's response
  • Message the user 

To complete one of these actions, click the View More button on a day with scheduled Opportunities. 

A user's hours

Here, you can review, update, or add hours for a volunteer! Click here for more information about adding or managing hours. 

How to add an hour entry

1. Click Add An Hour Entry2. Search for the Opportunity Response. So you know: The volunteer must have submitted an Opportunity Response for the Opportunity to populate in the dropdown. 

3. Fill in the Hour Details and answer any applicable or required fields. 

4. Click Submit Hour Entry when you're done!

How to update an hour entry 

1. Click on the hours under the Hours column. 2. Update any applicable fields on the Edit Hours form. 

3. Be sure to click Submit Hour Entry when you're done!

A user's emails

Here, you can review a volunteer's emails. This is helpful when a volunteer reports any issues with receiving emails from you, the Site Manager, or the site itself. You can review the status of their emails to determine the issue! 

What are the different statuses?

The two primary statuses are Sent or Skipped. The sub-statuses include: 

Sub-statusWhat does it mean? 
SentThe message was sent but the system hasn't received an indication that it was delivered. 
BouncedThe message was sent but rejected by the recipient's email server. 
Confirmed DeliveredThe message was sent and the system indicated that it was delivered. 
OpenedThe message was successfully delivered and opened by the recipient. 
ClickedThe message was successfully delivered and the recipient opened it and clicked the link. 
SpamReportThe message was sent but either the recipient or their email server flagged it as spam. 
Test AddressThe message was skipped because the recipient address was a test address. 
Previous SpamReportThe message was skipped because the recipient or their email server flagged a previous message from your system as spam. 
  • The system won't email this address until the spam record is cleared. 
Previous OptoutThe message was skipped because the recipient opted out of emails from your system. 
Previous BounceThe message was skipped because a previous message to this email address bounced. 
  • The system won't email this address until the bounce record is cleared. 
Invalid Email AddressThe message was skipped because the email address isn't valid. 
Skipped by Template RuleThe message was skipped because a Site Manager deactivated the template.  
  • Please contact your Site Manager if you have questions about email statuses. 

A user's messages

Here, you can review the automated notifications the site has sent to the user when an action triggered them! These include when the volunteer first registers on the site, when a volunteer requests to reset their password, when a volunteer responds to an Opportunity, and more! 

A user's files

Here's where you, the volunteer, and any manager with access to the volunteer's profile can review or upload files to the user's profile. These can be onboarding documents you want to keep a record of volunteer evaluations, etc. Files can be made private. If a file is private, the volunteer won't be able to review it, unless it's shared with them via a shareable link. Public files can be viewed by anyone with access to the user's profile. 

A user's notes

Notes are a private tool that only you or the Site Managers can access and review. This is where you or a Site Manager can share important details about a volunteer on their profile. For example, maybe a volunteer has a set schedule or they have open availability. You or a Site Manager can relay that information to one another about a volunteer here!