The User Filter: A Guide for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jul 19 at 9:43 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site ManagersIf you're an Advanced Program Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Your User Filter is a fantastic tool for reviewing important data about your volunteers, communicating quickly with a selected group, or making bulk actions to save you time with tasks! You will encounter user filters throughout the site, but the one we're talking about here is housed in the Users area of your dashboard! Here we cover: 

How to access the User Filter 

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users.

2. Click User Filter

3. Start filtering for the data you need!  

What are the different filters? 

The different filters include User Data, Volunteer, and Program. Each one includes additional sub-filters to narrow down the information you want! You can add more than one filter when using the User Filter as well! 

  • Here are descriptions of the different filters and examples of when to use them:

User Data

If you want to review important information that's user-specific, then this is the filter for you! 


Select this filter when you want to filter by user-specific data. Some examples of user-specific data include: 

  • City, County, State, or Zip Code the user listed on their profile
  • User tags
  • The date they were added to the site, the last time they updated their account or the date of their last login
  • Date of birth or month of birth 
  • User causes, skills, or type
  • User email status
  • What user group they're a member of
  • Registration questions and more!

This filter is great for when you want to: 

  • Export a list of volunteers who share a birthday
  • Export a list of volunteers who live in the same area
  • Email a list of volunteers with the same user tag assigned
  • Email a list of volunteers in a user group 
  • Schedule a list of volunteers with matching skills 
  • Deactivate a list of volunteers that haven't logged into the site in a long time
  • Assign or remove volunteers from a Program
  • Send the password reset email 



Select this filter when you want to filter for volunteer data. Some examples of volunteer data include:

  • Who is a program manager or program facilitator 
  • What Program a volunteer is or isn't assigned to
  • What Opportunities a volunteer responded to
  • What Opportunities a volunteer is on a waitlist for
  • Volunteer qualification status
  • What benchmarks a volunteer has or hasn't received
  • Volunteer hours 
  • Volunteer Track status and more! 

This filter is great for when you want to: 

  • Export a list of volunteers within a program
  • Export a list of volunteers who are on a waitlist for a specific Opportunity 
  • Export a list of volunteers who have responded to an Opportunity 
  • Schedule a group of volunteers that have responded to an Opportunity 
  • Add or remove volunteers from a Program
  • Export a list of your current program managers or program facilitators
  • Review a list of volunteers and their Track statuses



Select this filter when you want to see Program-specific data. Examples include: 

  • Responses by user groups
  • Dates for newly added Program Opportunities
  • Initiatives used in a Program
  • Causes associated with the Program

This filter is great for when you want to: 

  • Review when new Opportunities were added to a Program 
  • Export a list of Programs with the same assigned causes

What are the available bulk actions? 

There are bulk actions that you can take with or without filtering your volunteers with the User Filter, including: 

Bulk ActionDescription 
Assign/Remove ProgramQuickly add or remove volunteers from a Program in one go!
Add/Remove TagsQuickly add or remove user tags from users! User tags are a great way to quickly filter users by special skills outside of the listed skills or causes provided with your site! You can also add special tags to users so that you can keep track of important user data when you need it! 
Add/Remove User GroupQuickly add or remove volunteers from user groups! User groups are a great way to group volunteers together with special skills or interests. We also recommend creating a user group if you offer court-mandated volunteer Opportunities and want discretion when working with those volunteers and their information. Click here for more information about user groups!
Export UsersDo you want to export a list of volunteers that you filtered? You can select this action and have a CSV of that data emailed directly to you or another valid email address!
Deactivate UsersDo you need to deactivate a large group of inactive volunteers? This is the bulk action for you!

Note: Users with an inactive status are already deactivated! 

✏️ Quick tip: Need to anonymize a user's data? You can always assume their role and opt to anonymize their information when deactivating their account! 

Send Password ResetQuickly send the password reset email to selected volunteers to save time! 
Activate Imported UsersJust imported your volunteer list? Quickly activate all of those users with this bulk action! 
Remove BenchmarkNeed to remove a benchmark from a group of volunteers? 
Schedule UsersWant to quickly schedule several users for an Opportunity that they've responded to or are on a waitlist for? This is the bulk action for you! 
Send Track InviteSend an invitation to volunteers to continue or start a Registration Track. 


How to make bulk actions with the user filter

After you've applied all of the filters you need, select the action with the Select An Action dropdown that you want to apply to that list: