Check-in Kiosk FAQ for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Mar 19 at 3:00 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers

The Check-in Kiosk is a great tool that allows volunteers to sign up and check in for Opportunities on-site! Goodbye paper sign-in sheets and clipboards! Hello simple, digital sign-in and out! However, sometimes, the volunteer Opportunity they're looking for isn't displayed in the kiosk! Here, we cover some frequently asked questions about the Check-in Kiosk, including why those Opportunities might not be showing up for your volunteers. 

FAQ about the Check-in Kiosk

Here are the most commonly asked questions and answers about the Check-in Kiosk to help you troubleshoot: 

Q. Why is the volunteer Opportunity missing?  

There are a few reasons why a volunteer Opportunity isn't appearing to the volunteer in the kiosk. To determine the reason, check the following: 

1. Is the Opportunity expired?

If the Opportunity's expiration date or shift date has passed it won't appear in the kiosk. 

  • Volunteers can still log hours from the Track Hours area of their profile. 
  • You or an Advanced Program Manager can also add hours on behalf of a volunteer. 

2. Does the Opportunity occur within the next week?

An Opportunity must be scheduled for within the next seven days to appear in the kiosk. 

3. Which Program launched the Check-in Kiosk? 

If you don't have the setting Show opportunities from all programs enabled on your site, then the Opportunity may belong to a different Program than the one the kiosk was launched from. To enable this setting: 

a. Go to Settings > Main Settings

b. Scroll until you see the Check-in Kiosk section. 

c. Select Yes beside Show opportunities from all programs

d. Click Update Settings to save your changes. 

4. Is this a private Opportunity? 

Private Opportunities won't appear in the Check-in Kiosk unless it's assigned to a user group. 

  • User group members can sign up for the private Opportunity in the kiosk.


5. Is there a required qualification for the Opportunity?

If the Opportunity has a required qualification assigned to it and the volunteer hasn't submitted or qualified for it yet, then they must complete it before they can check in on the kiosk. 

  • A volunteer can sign a waiver at the kiosk, but they must complete qualifications directly on the site.  

6. Is the Opportunity full? 

If the Opportunity has met its capacity limit, then it won't appear in the kiosk. 

  • Volunteers who signed up for it can still check in. 

7. Does the Opportunity have hours associated with it? 

While the Hours field is a required step in creating an Opportunity, you and your Advanced Program Managers have the option to enter '0' in that field. 

  • If '0' is entered in this field, then the Opportunity won't appear in the Check-in Kiosk. 
  • You, or the Advanced Program Manager, can update the Opportunity and associate hours with it as necessary. 

8. Did the volunteer respond to the Opportunity?

If the volunteer hasn't already responded to the Opportunity before logging into the Check-in Kiosk, then it won't appear on the main page. 

  • They can click View Other Opportunities to see if the Opportunity is listed there and respond to it. 

So you know: Some Opportunities do not have shifts. 

  • These include Opportunities with duration types of Flexible, Happens on, or Multi-date. 
  • These Opportunities have unlimited capacity and volunteer spots available.

Q. How do I launch the Check-in Kiosk?

While your Advanced Program Managers can launch the Check-in Kiosk themselves, you may have to step in and help them set it up. 

    Before you launch the kiosk, be sure to set up a tablet, laptop, or other device in a location that's easy to access and manage for you and your volunteers. Make sure the following steps are performed on the device you want volunteers checking into. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Programs

2. Select the Program you want to launch the kiosk for. 

3. Click Check-in Kiosk beside the Program's title. 

  • You are now signed out of the site and the Check-in Kiosk is ready for volunteers to start checking in! 

Q. How do volunteers check in with the kiosk? 

Volunteers with an account

If a volunteer has an account already, then they can sign in and start checking in. Here are the steps they need to follow. 

1. Have the volunteer click I Have An Account

2. Have them select how they want to search for their account—e.g., phone number, email address, or name and click Submit3. They can review and confirm their account and click This Is Me! when ready to check in. 4. Their upcoming shifts appear in the table—they click Check In for the shift they're checking in for. 5. If they responded to the Opportunity on their own, they click Check In Alone

  • If they responded to the Opportunity as a Team, they click Check In With My Team

6. Now they can review their Opportunity and Shift information, answer any required fields, and click Check In7. They must click Done to finish! 

  • The Check-In Kiosk returns to the start so the next volunteer can check-in. 


Volunteers without an account

If a volunteer doesn't already have an account, then they can make one when they go to check in with the kiosk. Here are the steps they need to take: 

1. Have the volunteer click Create An Account

2. They fill out the Create An Account form and click Create Your Account when ready. 

3. Next, they select View Details for the Opportunity they want to check in for. 4. When ready, they click Check In5. Have them fill out the form and click Check In when done. 

6. Now they can review information about the Opportunity check-in time and click Done to finish! 

So you know: There may be additional steps the volunteers must take at the kiosk when trying to create an account and check-in for an Opportunity. For example, they may have to complete a qualification. Volunteers can sign waivers at the kiosk, but they must go onto the site to complete qualifications. 

Q. What if the volunteer can't find their account?

If the volunteer can't find their account, double-check that the information they entered is correct. If they've entered it correctly, then make sure their profile is complete and that the information on their user profile matches. 

  • Their mobile number is the number the kiosk recognizes. 

Q. What if the volunteer forgets to check out? 

The system automatically checks the volunteer out at midnight the night the Opportunity occurred. 

  • The system applies default hours for that Opportunity. 

Q. Why aren't Opportunities from other Programs showing? 

You may not have Show opportunities from all programs enabled in your Site Settings > Main Settings > Check-in Kiosk

Q. What if the volunteer hasn't responded to the Opportunity?

If the volunteer hasn't already responded to the Opportunity before logging into the Check-in Kiosk, then it won't appear on the main page. 

  • They can click View Other Opportunities to see if the Opportunity is listed there and respond to it.

Q. Can volunteers submit qualifications at the kiosk?

Volunteers can sign waivers at the kiosk but they can't submit qualifications through the kiosk. They must submit them directly through the site. Some qualifications may require manual approval, depending on how you've set up their approval settings. 

Q. How do teams check in at the kiosk?

There is an option to check in as a team at the kiosk. They just need to select that option when checking in.  

Q. What if the site I'm at has limited internet access? 

The kiosk needs internet to launch and function correctly. However, there are a few things you can do if internet isn't available: 

  • See if anyone has a hotspot available, or determine if a hotspot can be purchased for situations that require one. 
  • You may want to consider using a sign-in sheet so that those hours can be added later. 
  • You might ask the volunteers to self-check in through the site on their phones if the self-check-in notification is enabled. 
  • You can also direct volunteers to this resource about the Causer app. They can download and check in through the app!