How to Find the Best Opportunities or You!

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Aug 28 at 11:48 AM by Brittany Crow

Volunteering is fun and rewarding—especially when you get to do something you already love while giving back to your community! Depending on how the site you registered with is set up, you may have already selected your skills and causes during registration. However, if you didn't, don't worry! There are other ways for you to ensure you can find and match with the best opportunities for you! In this article, we cover: 

So you know: Skills help match you with volunteer Opportunities that fit your experience and skillsets. Causes help match you with Programs that align with your interests. 

  • Not all organizations use causes on their sites. If you don't see it, it's probably because they have this feature disabled. 

How to update your skills and causes

If you need to select your skills and causes or want to update them, you can from your profile area! 

1. Click your initials or profile picture and select View Profile2. Click either Skills or Causes3. Select the skills or causes you want to add to your profile.

4. Be sure to click Update button to save those changes. 

 So you know: Your selections help match you with Opportunities and Programs! You'll receive automated notifications with updates when the site you're registered on has new Opportunities or programs that match your causes and skills!

How to filter Programs and Opportunities 

You can also filter programs and opportunities to find the best ones for you! 

1. Go to either Programs or Opportunities from your dashboard. 

2. Click the dropdown beside Filter By that says Select A Filter.

3. Select the filters to apply and start matching with Programs and responding to Opportunities! 

Common filters

There are quite a few filters to choose from, so here are some of the more common ones to use when searching for Programs and Opportunities: 

  • Common filters for Opportunities: 
    • Available Slots
    • Date
    • Distance
    • Skill
  • Common filters for Programs: 
    • Cause
    • Distance