How Do I Set Up User Registration?

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 17 at 1:41 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! Only Site Managers can create and manage Registration Tracks. This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

When a new user registers on your site, they must first select a Registration Track. You can select which Registration Track you want as the default track, customize the welcome message, and more, all from your site settings! Here we cover: 

So you know: You can find more information about setting up Registration Tracks and creating custom registration questions here

How to set up user registration options 

To get started: 

1. Go to Settings > User Registration from your main menu bar. 

2. Configure your User Registration Options

What are the user registration options? 

On the User Registration page, you can set up how users begin their journey by signing up on your site! The User Registration Options include: 

Restrict registration to these email domains onlyDo you want to only allow certain email domains to register on your site? For example, only emails with can be registered on your site. Then be sure to list those emails here.
Note: Only the email domains listed in this field can register an account. To allow others to register, you would have to update this field in your settings. 
Registration welcome messageThis message is displayed on Step 1 for volunteers when they start to register on your site. You can personalize this greeting to welcome volunteers, introduce your organization, or set the tone for their volunteerism!  
Track selection promptDo you have more than one Registration Track for volunteers to choose from? Be sure to create a good Track selection prompt that helps steer your volunteers to the right Registration Track for them!
Default registration trackWhen you select a default track, the system pre-selects that track when a volunteer registers on your site. They can still use the dropdown to select another registration track as needed! 
Default track from Kiosk and Mobile AppThe registration track you select here is the default track used for volunteers when they register through the Check-In Kiosk or Causer app. 

The volunteer perspective

Want to test out registering on your site through a Track from the volunteer perspective? You can! Just sign out of your account and click Sign Up to get started! You can go through all of the steps assigned to that Track just like a volunteer. This is a great way to test it out for yourself. 

Want more info about Tracks? 

Here are some additional helpful resources to help you stay on "Track". 

  • Want to learn more about Tracks? Click here!
  • Looking for information about editing Tracks? Click here
  • Want to see how you can manage volunteers in your Tracks? Click here
  • Do you want to share important links for your Tracks? Click here to find out more! 
  • Need to track your data? Click here
  • Click here to learn more about deactivating Tracks or here to learn about cloning them!  
  • Do you prefer videos? Check out this resource for our video library on tracks!