How Do I Edit a Track?

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 17 at 11:02 AM by Brittany Crow

❖ Heads up! Only Site Managers can create and manage Registration Tracks. This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Now that you have created a Track, you can edit it right from the Tracks area of your dashboard whenever you need to! Here we cover: 

How do I edit a Track? 

You can always edit a Track from the Tracks area of your dashboard! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks2. Select the Track you want to edit from the table.3. Edit the Track as needed and click Update Track to save those changes! 

How do I remove a Track? 

If you want to remove a Track, you can change its status from Active to Inactive

  • This won't completely delete the Track from your site but will remove it from the front end so that volunteers aren't registering on your site through that Track. 
  • You can always view your Inactive tracks or change their status back to Active should you need to. 

So you know: You can also deactivate a Track as needed—click here for more information. 

How do I change the default Track on my site?

You can always change which Track is your default one. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks

2. Click the Track Name you want to set as the default. 

3. Toggle the button beside Set as default track to On

Want more info about Tracks? 

Here are some additional helpful resources to help you stay on "Track". 

  • Looking for information about Tracks? Click here
  • Want to see how you can manage volunteers in your Tracks? Click here
  • Do you want to share important links for your Tracks? Click here to find out more! 
  • Need to track your data? Click here
  • Click here to learn more about deactivating Tracks or here to learn about cloning them! 
  • Want help setting up the user registration? Click here
  • Do you prefer videos? Check out this resource for our video library on tracks!