Creating Registration Tracks

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 17 at 10:43 AM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! Only Site Managers can create and manage Registration Tracks. This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Tracks let you ask questions relevant to specific volunteers when they create an account on your site—instead of asking the same questions to all volunteers on your site. When a volunteer selects a specific Track during registration, they're then guided through the registration steps you established when you created that Track. Here we cover:

So you know: You need to use at least one Track to gather volunteer info when they join your site! 

How do I set up a Track? 

If your site has Tracks included, you can start setting them up from the Tracks area of your dashboard!

1. Go to Volunteerism > Tracks2. Click Add New Track.3. Select the Status

  • Active makes the Track public for volunteers to register with. 
  • Inactive removes the Track from public view. 

4. Give the Track a name. 

5. Select the Privacy

6. To set the Track as the default one for your site, toggle the Set as default track button to On

7. Select your Track Options

So you know: You can automatically assign users who complete the Track to an already established User Group or Program. Here are some examples of when to use these options: 

  • Automatic user group assignment: Select a user group here when you want users to have access to specific volunteer Opportunities only members in that user group can access.
    • e.g., you have a Track for volunteers from a local corporate partner and want all users who complete that Track to access special volunteer Opportunities just for employees. 

  • Automatic program assignment: Select a Program when you want Program Managers to be able to view, schedule, and contact users who complete that Track. 
    • e.g., a Program Manager for an environmentalism Program needs to email all users who completed the requirements for volunteering outside through an "environmentalism Track". 

8. Click Save and Continue to Standard Questions to add custom or standard questions for volunteers to answer when registering on the site. Think about what information you need to gather from volunteers before they can join your site through that Track! 

  • If you're done setting up your Track and don't want to add standard or custom questions, you can click Save and Finish 

9. Select or deselect which Standard Questions you want to Show or Require on the registration form and click Save and Continue to Custom Questions10. Click Add Registration Question

  1. Select the Status and Type
    1. Small or Large Text Field: This gives the volunteer a small or large field to type their answer to your question. 
    2. Dropdown: This lets you offer possible answers in a dropdown menu for the volunteer to select from. They can only choose one answer with the dropdown. 
    3. Checkbox: This allows you to offer multiple answers for the volunteer to select. They can choose as many as they want with this question type. 
    4. Radio Button: This allows you to offer multiple answers for the volunteer to select from. They can only choose one answer with the radio button. 
  2. Write out your Question
  3. Fill out the Options field for Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Button question types. 
  4. If you want to require this question, toggle the button beside Required to On
  5. If you want to apply this question to all tracks, then check the box. 
  6. Click Save Custom Question to finish! 
  • When you're done creating Custom Questions, click Save and Continue to Qualifications

11. Select which Qualifications you want to Show or Require during registration and click Save and Finish to return to the Options tab. 

  • If you want to include Skills or Causes as a step during the registration process, you can enable those from this tab!

So you know: You can click the Options tab at any time to make any additional changes to the registration steps. 

13. When you're ready, click Update Track!  

The volunteer perspective

Want to test out registering on your site through a Track from the volunteer perspective? You can! Just sign out of your account and click Sign Up to get started! You can go through all of the steps assigned to that Track just like a volunteer. This is a great way to test it out for yourself. 

Want more info about Tracks? 

Here are some additional helpful resources to help you stay on "Track". 

  • Looking for information about editing Tracks? Click here
  • Want to see how you can manage volunteers in your Tracks? Click here
  • Do you want to share important links for your Tracks? Click here to find out more! 
  • Need to track your data? Click here
  • Click here to learn more about deactivating Tracks or here to learn about cloning them! 
  • Want help setting up the user registration? Click here
  • Do you prefer videos? Check out this resource for our video library on tracks!